Dr. Kevin Nadal, professor and comedian, spoke at Boston College tonight regarding his new book
Filipino-American Psychology. He is currently touring the country promoting his research and encouraging awareness about the Filipino-American culture to students, professionals, and others interested in his work. He became aware at an early age that despite the relationship the Philippines had (and currently has) with the United States, and that the Filipino population has grown to be the largest Asian group in the country, there is a large discrepancy with how much the United States (and citizens) are educated about the Filipino people. So he is now currently working with professionals and educators to help support their own profession, as they work with Filipino-Americans, as well as encouraging youth to become interested and aware about their own history.
This event was hosted by PSBC, the
Philippine Society of Boston College. This was the fourth event they hosted this month in celebration to Filipino-American Heritage Month. Past events included a Barrio Fiesta Extravaganza celebration; Professor
Mary Talusan lecturing about the music of Mindanao (the large, southern island in the Philippines); and Dr. Almario Bucal speaking about the late, former Philippine president,
Corazon Aquino.
For more information about Dr. Nadal and his book, please visit:
Kevin Nadal
Here are a few images from that event:
Dr. Nadal lectures to Boston College students on Thursday, October 22, 2009.
Dr. Nadal speaks with students after his lecture.
Dr. Nadal poses with PSBC (Philippine Society of Boston College) members.
All images photographed by Leona L. Merk. All rights reserved.